Wednesday, January 25, 2006

The Din of Pathos

Day one. How do you turn this thing on? My heat is off and it should be rather cold tonight. I know I overpaid for gas already, so it must be the so-called automatic pilot. I'm not a pilot technician, by any means, and so, call in the cavalry...and bend over, too, I bet.

1 comment:

~A4O~ said...

I like your post...

When you get a chance you should visit my blog at

I have over 32 poems, some in audio, awesome illustrations and pictures to help capture your eye. Don't be affraid to scroll down near the bottom of the page. You'll find your horoscope and a "Today in History" for your viewing pleasure. You'll also find some of my favorite pieces of work, like the poem "Words" and "No Evil."

I hope you enjoy and please come back soon. Thanks and have a good one, Mike. A.K.A-The Scribe-